Saturday, March 6, 2010

What's happened ?!.., Ivy, ZaiZai and Jie Kai ?!!!

Ternyata survei membuktikan bahwa makhluk Tuhan yg berjenis kelemin perempuan emang hobby nge gossip yach ?!!
Nih bagi yg suka gossip, ada gossip super heboh dari Sytwo, Ivy skrg tetanggaan ama ZaiZai dan Jie Kai.
Ada apakah gerangan..?!! Adakah sesuatu yg spesial antara Jie Kai dgn Ivy, ato ZaiZai dengan Ivy ?!
Penasaran khan...baca newsnya di bawah ini dan kemudian kita pasang telinga lebar2.
Siapa tau ada salah satu dari dua laki2 itu yg punya hubungan spesial dengan Ivy.
Padahal setau gw, gossipnya, Ivy ama Mark itu ada hubungan khusus, apa udah putus ? ato itu cuma gosip aja ?!
Trus di news itu di bilang juga kalo ZZ jarang ketemu ama Mark, dan lebih seringnya ketemu ama Ivy ?!!
Hayuuuu.....coba tebak....kedepan nanti bagaimana ?!!!

Gossip hangat..di pagi hari

CR : Sytwo @ AF
(this China Times news has a pix of Xiu with Ivy after KTV karaoke - see my summary below for explanation)

News summary
- The news headline mainly talked about the "significant" meeting and hug between Zaizai and Dir Cai during the party (I kind of expected that) and that this has helped break the ice between ZZ and DC, and maybe there is still hope for Pizi to appear in B&W (?? I think media is over-speculating).
- News also talked about all the friends who came to Xiu's party, and how ZZ unexpectedly arrived (cuz earlier, there was a VCR of ZZ and also Janine wishing Xiu happy birthday as they can't come in person).
- Also how ZZ was very low key throughout the event except to add-in a few funny words once awhile, and acting as Xiu's helper throughout, staying on till the end (what a good brother!).
- News said fans kept asking ZZ and Xiu to kiss, and ZZ scolded fans and said do you really think we are husband and wife?
- also mentioned that Ding Dang (the singer whose MV Xiu starred in - it's also theme song for Autumn Concerto) also appeared unexpectedly.
- Xiu was very touched and even cried. (from fans report, it was after Xiu's started crying that ZZ hugged him. Cheesy)

NOW, most reports are pretty similar EXCEPT for one "rumor news" from Liberty Times and China Times :
- apparently the reporter followed Xiu (I can't be sure cuz read very fast) and he went to SOGO KTV for karaoke with friends, and Ivy Chen arrived later. And reporter said Xiu had his arms around her shoulder. Later he and Ivy got on a cab/ car and went back together to the apartment building that ZZ and Xiu stayed together, and the reporter again said Xiu had his arms around Ivy's shoulders.
(I don't care too much about this gossip news, cuz I think the reporter was probably exaggerating, but here's the ONE THING that totally took me by surprised) :shock :shock :

- APPARENTLY, Ivy has recently moved to the same apartment building as ZZ and Xiu, and is now upstairs/ downstairs neighbour with the two of them !!!! :shock :shock

(Wah! How coincidental is that? That's why Xiu and Ivy went home in the same car. And how nice, that they are now all neighbours. Cheesy No wonder during the last Oden event, when reporters asked if ZZ had any contacts with Mark, he answered that lately no and that he communicate more often with Ivy !! I was wondering why cuz didnt think ZZ and Ivy were so close. Now I know!)

- Anyway, Xiu told media they are all friends (ZZ, Xiu and Ivy) and Ivy's management company said the same thing. (media was frying news that previously ZZ and Ivy has scandal news and now Ivy is with Xiu. But I don't even recall much news between ZZ and Ivy, cuz ZZ was careful to keep his distance from his leading ladies, incl Ivy).

- end -

PHEW!! What a news, about Ivy being neighbours with ZZ and Xiu. It kind of give me a nice, warm feeling to know that. :
( tuch khan Sytwo juga penasaran, ternyata nih ibu2 suka gosip khan ?!)

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